"When it comes down to it, fashion is an industry operating on opinions that are informed by the insecurities of people who you know don’t eat three squares a day. Frankly, I don’t trust people with empty-stomach breath to tell me what taste is.
That’s the thing: Taste is so subjective. And because of that, there’s never a right answer about what is tasteful, and what you should be consuming, be it merchandise or meals. What I hate about fashion is that there’s too much emphasis placed on what and not enough on why. I’ve come to realize that it’s not about what I like, but why I like it."
Recently a friend asked me to describe my taste and I found myself at a loss for words. I barely managed to show her my current three top blogs: A,B, & C (B&C found through A). Oh yeah, and of course Lulu & Annabel. Thinking it over I would describe my taste (in all aspects of life) as best exemplified by Muji and its idea of enough. Fashion is collecting and finding pieces that you can consistently rely on to define you; in any setting, at any time. On a more literal level of enough, I can't appreciate decoration without a purpose (is it even decoration then?). But I agree that for the sake of whimsy is purpose enough: a flash of color; an interesting print; unusual form or texture. It fulfills a need for humor in fashion.
well this is embarrassing